DESCRIPTION: It is a powerful hand dish cleaning product with a concentrated formula with glycerin for all kinds of hand dish cleaning. It is especially suitable for use in areas where odor is not desired, such as food establishments. It provides long-term use thanks to its concentrated formulation. It provides very economical unit costs. Does not stain. It easily dissolves oils. It is effective and powerful. It protects the skin, does not absorb natural oil and moisture. pH is balanced. It is very foamy and does not require scrubbing.
USAGE: 2-4g / l product is put into warm or hot water tank according to the degree of pollution and foamed. It is recommended to have the coarse dirt removed before the dishes to be washed for faster cleaning. Drying the cleaned and rinsed dishes with a dry cloth will cause bacterial growth, which is inconvenient for hygiene.
AREAS OF USE: Food businesses, Heavy industry, Factories, Schools, Workshops, Universities, Hotels, Municipalities, Shopping centers
ATTENTION OF THE CONSUMER: Please read the instructions for use. Do not use for hand, face, body and food cleaning. Keep away from children. Keep away from foodstuffs. Rinse your dishes with plenty of water after washing. Avoid long-term contact of the hands with detergent to protect the skin. Rinse your dishes with plenty of water.